Projects archive

With few exceptions, since 1998 we have documented all our projects with photos. A look at the individual projects over the years reveals not only the evolution of the GEB over the last twenty years, but also the development that the European Union has made since then: 1999 was an international youth meeting with five participating countries something out of the ordinary. In the meantime, the number of young people participating has increased significantly and many projects have been added especially in VET.

After redesigning the website, it will take some time for all completed projects to be seen here.


Projects – 2019

2. November 2018

Are You Really so Political? – Are You Really so Apolitical?

22 to 29 September 2018 in Korba, Tunesy - 24 October to 2 November 2018 in Landshut, Deutschland

24 young people from Germany and Tunisia get the possibility to train the political participation and deepen their skills in achieving political goals.
3. October 2018

We can do it! (XIII) 2019 in Khudat, Azerbaijan

24th June to 2nd July 2019 We can do it! (XIII) 2019 in Khudat, Azerbaijan

International youth exchange for people with and without disabilities from 12 countries of Central and Eastern Europe
18. November 2017

Grow European!

June 2017 to May 2019

Internships for persons in the hotel and catering industry at all levels of education
21. October 2017

Open eyes! – Our way to Europe

Oktober 2016 bis September 2018

Berufspraktika für Personen in dualen Ausbildungsberufen sowie für Schülerinnen und Schüler der Fachschule für Sozialpädagogik
21. October 2017

The Long Road to Inclusion – Scholarships for teachers and school staff at the Jane Addams School, Berlin

Oktober 2016 bis September 2018

Berufspraktika für Personen in dualen Ausbildungsberufen sowie für Schülerinnen und Schüler der Fachschule für Sozialpädagogik
20. October 2017

KIWI – Kita on the way to Inclusion – Further education for educators in Wroclaw, Poland

Oktober 2016 bis September 2018

Berufspraktika für Personen in dualen Ausbildungsberufen sowie für Schülerinnen und Schüler der Fachschule für Sozialpädagogik
15. February 2016

EME – European Mobility for future Early Years Educators II

July 2017 to June 2019

Internships abroad for educators

Projects – 2018

8. January 2019

Après l’obtention du diplôme, allez à l’étranger!

24th March to 21st December 2019

Young graduates from Paris and Nouvelle-Aquitaine (France) gain professional experience in Berlin.
24. June 2018

Studenti bez hranic IX – Students without Borders IX

23rd May to 2nd June 2018

Young vocational students from Nový Jičín and Ostrava, Czech Republic are completing in Berlin their first internship abroad. From May to June, they work in areas such as administration, business and IT.
24. June 2018

Vocational Practical Training abroad

27th May to 23rd June 2018

Czech economics students from Jablonec nad Nisou will be gaining practical experience in Berlin in June.
24. June 2018

THREE – Working Experience for VET Students from Padova

29th May to 23rd June 2018

This project supports young people from the Bassa Padovana region. They perform a professional internship in various restaurants in Berlin.
24. June 2018

Mobility Europe North (MEN)

11th June to 11th July 2018

Young vocational training students from the Vocational School Lyon, France work during the summer in various restaurants in Berlin.
24. June 2018

DOLOMITI – Working Experience Abroad

24th June to 29th July 2018

An eleven-member group from Vicenza, Italy visits in June and in July Berlin to practice German and learn practical work abroad.
23. June 2018

Institutional development by integrating European models – Students from Romania

1st to 22nd July 2018

Internships in the field of hotel and catering for pupils of the vocational school for gastronomy in Oradea, Romania
13. March 2018

Europe On The Plate

6th May to 2nd June 2018

Internships in the field of hotel and catering for pupils of the vocational school for gastronomy in Poznan, Poland
4. March 2018

We can do it! (XII) 2018

5th to 13th July 2018 in Stankovo and Minsk, Belarus

International youth exchange for people with and without disabilities from 12 countries of Central and Eastern Europe
3. March 2018

Après l’obtention du diplôme, allez à l’étranger!

25th February to 15th December 2018

Young graduates from Paris and Nouvelle-Aquitaine (France) gain professional experience in Berlin.
15. February 2018

Youth Parliaments. Founding and Operating on the International Level

25 July to 3 August 2018 in Landshut, Germany - 25 August to 1 September 2018 in Mykolajiw,Ukraine

We are pleased to announce the call for applications for participating. Within this project you can learn how to create a youth parliament, how to run it and how to cooperate with youth parliaments in other countries. Therefore you will be introduced into the founding process.
15. February 2018

Teaching Political Tools to Young People

21. bis 28. November in Djerba, Tunesien

Die Jugendarbeiter/innen und die Freiwilligen der Jugendarbeit aus Deutschland und Tunesien üben Methoden der politischen Teilnahme und lernen Methoden, um diese Instrumente jungen Menschen beibringen zu können.
9. February 2018

Elderly Care in Ireland and Germany

4th to 17th February 2018

GEB receives a group of eight trainees in the elderly care sector from Tábor. In Germany, they complete a two-week internship in various retirement and retirement homes. The aim of the project is the extension of the linguistic, professional and intercultural competences of the trainees.
8. February 2018

German-Polish consortium for vocational training and regular mutual exchange

14th January to 9th February 2018

Young car mechanics from Poland do internships in Berlin.
5. February 2018

Youth Policy and Action

January 2017 to June 2018

The project aims to give participating organizations from Denmark, Greece, Italy, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and the Philippines the opportunity to get to know and compare approaches to youth work and youth policy between Europe and Southeast Asia.
20. November 2017

The Dual System of Vocational Training – One-week seminar for school staff in Berlin

18. bis 23. März 2018

Street Art praktisch erleben und für den Unterricht nutzen - Berlin als heimliche Hauptstadt der Straßenkunst erleben
17. October 2017

Medical Technology 2018

14th January to 9th February 2018

Berufspraktika für Personen in dualen Ausbildungsberufen sowie für Schülerinnen und Schüler der Fachschule für Sozialpädagogik
14. October 2017

EfA-SOZ – Europe-wide practical training in social professions VII

October 2016 to September 2018

Internships for people in social professions
14. October 2017

Europe United – Multiplier for intercultural competence development

October 2016 to September 2018

Scholarships exclusively for school staff of the Berufshochschule Traunstein.
14. October 2017

Discover Europe II

October 2016 to September 2018

Internships for persons in dual training occupations as well as for pupils of the social-pedagogic technical college
14. October 2017

Go Europe – discovering opportunities in the European labor market

July 2016 to June 2018

The project is aimed primarily at apprentices in dual training occupations in the craft trades and in industrial-technical occupations.
22. January 2017

School trip with work experience in Berlin

3rd to 17th September 2018

A project in cooperation with the LICEO CLASSICO EUROPEO “AGLI ANGELI” from Verona, Italy

Projects – 2017

5. February 2018

Prudnik Mobile – Mobile Prudnik

Oktober 2016 bis September 2018

Berufspraktika für Personen in dualen Ausbildungsberufen sowie für Schülerinnen und Schüler der Fachschule für Sozialpädagogik
5. February 2018

Two weeks language course and internship for high school students from Verona in Berlin

Oktober 2016 bis September 2018

Berufspraktika für Personen in dualen Ausbildungsberufen sowie für Schülerinnen und Schüler der Fachschule für Sozialpädagogik
5. February 2018

STILE – Skills for the Tile District

Oktober 2016 bis September 2018

Berufspraktika für Personen in dualen Ausbildungsberufen sowie für Schülerinnen und Schüler der Fachschule für Sozialpädagogik
5. February 2018

Europe On The Plate

Oktober 2016 bis September 2018

Berufspraktika für Personen in dualen Ausbildungsberufen sowie für Schülerinnen und Schüler der Fachschule für Sozialpädagogik
5. February 2018

We Can Do It! XI

21. bis 28. Juli 2017 in Baku, Aserbaidschan

Internationale Jugendbegegnung zum Thema Inklusion, Behinderung und Anderssein 70 Jugendliche aus 12 Ländern trafen sich im Sommer im Kaukasus. Dies ist bereits die 11. Jugendbegegnung mit diesem Titel.
5. February 2018

“Are you really so political- Are you really so unpolitical?”

18. bis 28. Juli in Landshut, Bayern und vom 28. Oktober bis 4. November 2017 auf Djerba, Tunesien

In dem Projekt trainieren zwanzig junge Erwachsene aus Tunesien und Deutschland politisches Handwerkzeugs wie Techniken des Debattierens, das Schreiben von Interviews und das Formulieren politischer Forderungen.
5. February 2018

Commercial Academy Jablonec nad Nisou

Oktober 2016 bis September 2018

Berufspraktika für Personen in dualen Ausbildungsberufen sowie für Schülerinnen und Schüler der Fachschule für Sozialpädagogik
21. October 2017

Instruments of political participation for young people

22. bis 29. November 2017 in Djerba, Tunesien

In dem Training „Teaching Political Tools to Young People“ üben Jugendarbeiter aus Tunesien und Deutschland sowie Ehrenamtliche, die in der Jugendarbeit engagiert sind, Instrumente der politischen Teilhabe ein und lernen, diese Instrumente an Jugendliche zu vermitteln

Projects – 2016

5. February 2018

Eurocure – New Paths for Nursing Education in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Germany

November 2014 bis Oktober 2016 in der Tschechischen Republik, Ungarn und Deutschland

Strategische Partnerschaft im Bereich der Ausbildung in der Krankenpflege.