13. March 2020

Europass ceremony at the Jane Addams School, Berlin

Again, over 30 prospective educators and some of their teachers were awarded the Europass for their stays abroad in Europe. The Jane Addams School and the GEB started 10 years ago to enable staff and students to study abroad for further training.
29. May 2020

Improve Yourself II – Internship abroad despite Corona

After 13 weeks, the participants successfully completed the project for young job seekers from Terrassa, Spain. Despite the situation in Berlin due to the Covid 19 crisis, we are very pleased that the participants were able to continue their internships partly in the facilities and partly in the home office.
17. July 2020

Erasmus in der Kita! Our Project is funded!

In spring the GEB submitted the first application for a consortium of institutions in the state of Berlin. The application has been approved and 100 scholarships are now available for further training at European level.
27. July 2020

We Share It!

Together with our partners from Central and Eastern Europe, we will be holding seminars in the coming years for people who work full-time or on a voluntary basis in youth work. In general, the seminars always examine the topics of inclusion and participation in society.
11. August 2020

Job Shdowing in the municipality of Midtfyn, Funen, Denmark

Even in the times of Corona, the educational exchange at the European level does not have to come to a standstill. Frank Folger, teacher at the vocational school for social pedagogy of GALB Förder gGmbH recently carried out a job shadowing in Denmark.
8. October 2020

Erasmus + in vocational schools – information event at the Georg Kerschensteiner vocational college in Troisdorf (North Rhine-Westphalia)

The Erasmus + program offers a wide range of funding opportunities to travel abroad, especially for trainees. This will also continue in the coming year.
26. October 2020

Exploring the field of Early Childhood Education in Wroclaw (Poland)

From October 11th to 23rd, 18 prospective educators carried out an exciting exploration of their professional field.
14. November 2020

Despite Corona – A voluntary service in Bordeaux (France)

I am living in Bordeaux, France, for almost 4 weeks now. Up until the day before my departure I had just felt anticipation, but I was still relatively relaxed. I was only a bit worried about the current situation - was it really a good idea to go abroad during a pandemic?